What are the TMJ?
The TMJ is important joints in your mouth. You have two of these joints. They are located one on each side of your face where the mandible meets up with the skull. These joints are ball and socket joints, each with a disc in the center. The disc works to absorb the impact of the pressures that your jaw places on these joints. The TMJ enables you to open and close your mouth as well as move the mandible from side to side.
What is TMJ Disorder?
When the TMJ is healthy, you most likely are completely unaware of their presence. However, there are some different issues that can affect these joints, often causing extreme pain and difficulty performing many basic tasks like eating and speaking. In many cases, it may be difficult to make even the smallest movements.
Causes of TMJ Disorder
TMJ disorder can be caused by some different issues. These include
• | Facial trauma, such as an injury due to a car accident, a fall, or a sports injury. |
• | Bruxism, or grinding and clenching of your teeth. This condition leads to excessive pressure on your joint and your TMJ. These issues can be caused by things such as stress or alignment issues. |
• | Jaw dislocation. Dislocation, even minor temporary dislocation, can cause micro-tears in the joints. |
• | Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. |
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
Pain in your TMJ and your jaw is a common symptom of TMJ disorder. It is not, however, the only one. Many symptoms of this disorder come on gradually, growing stronger over time. Other symptoms of TMJ disorder include
• | Swelling in your jaw and in your face. |
• | Difficulty eating and speaking. These tasks may also be quite painful. |
• | Your jaw may lock open or closed temporarily. |
• | You notice a clicking, popping, or grinding in your TMJ. |
• | Headaches and earaches. |
How is TMJ Disorder is Treated?
Prior to receiving treatment for TMJ, we first need to diagnose the condition, as well as what is causing it. This is done with a thorough oral exam as well as digital images, such as X-rays. Once we have determined the cause of your TMJ issues, we can recommend the therapy that will provide you with the best results possible.
Treatments for TMJ disorder include:
• | Home treatments, such as OTC pain relievers or stress relief techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. |
• | A night guard. This is an oral device that is worn in your mouth while you sleep. Similar in design to a sports mouth guard, a night guard provides a cushion when you grind and clench, protecting your jaw and your TMJ. |
• | Orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics can help to realign your teeth and jaws, correcting TMJ issues. |
• | Oral surgery. In some cases, surgery may be the best solution. Surgery is often reserved as a last option, when no other treatments have proven effective or if your condition is severe. |
Dr. Hsu may recommend using Botox to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by TMJ disorder. Read more about Botox for TMJ.
How is TMJ diagnosed?
TMJ disorders are diagnosed through a combination of a detailed medical history and a clinical examination. Your dentist or healthcare provider will evaluate your jaw's range of motion, listen for clicking or popping sounds, and assess areas of pain or tenderness. Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans may also be used to view the joint and surrounding structures to determine the extent of the disorder.
Can TMJ be cured?
While TMJ disorders may not always be fully cured, they can often be effectively managed. Treatments such as oral appliances, physical therapy, medications, and stress reduction techniques can help alleviate symptoms. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. The key is to find the right combination of therapies tailored to your specific condition.
Are there self-care techniques to help with TMJ symptoms?
Yes, there are several self-care techniques that can help relieve TMJ symptoms. These include applying ice or heat to the affected area, practicing relaxation exercises to reduce jaw tension, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and maintaining good posture. Gentle jaw stretches and massages may also provide relief. It's important to avoid habits like teeth grinding or clenching, as these can exacerbate symptoms.